Acquired performances
Customers’ performances
Generally, the main cause for which customers have reached for RGQ Consulting services is closely related to the need to increase the performance.
This need can be emphasized through:
- Delays in deliveries.
- Large quantity of products in progress.
- Large inventory (unfinished production).
- Large number of extra hours.
- Long duration of production.
- Large number of waste (or things which have to be re-processed).
- Reduced flexibility of production.
Graphic representation of results
These results have been acquired without additional resources, through:
- Reorganization of the process;
- The introduction of the “pull” system, planning based on the customer’s needs;
- Reduction of change time (changeover time) from one product to the other;
- Involvement and empowerment of people;
- Increasing of the operational capacity through effective implementing of preventive maintenance.
- Elimination of losses.